Online Store: 4 Additional T-shirts!


It’s time to bring cheer to every passing stranger and catch their eyes with a simple, “Hello.” Customize your unspoken greeting with one of four selectable colors! For the first time ever, you’ll be able to buy the Blue Hello Knight shirt and Red Hello Knight shirt from our online store!
tshirt_necromancer_full_01 copyFor those who choose a darker path, Necromancer tee is also making it’s online return since the Kickstarter.
Necromancer Kickstarter history: We did our first ever Kickstarter back in 2012 for our Necromancer figurine. We ended up with a line of Necromancer products that were given first to our Kickstarter backers! Since then, this shirt has only been available at shows like PAX or Comic Con. Now, you can get it too from the internetz!
tshirt_deerpoop_full_01And fans who share our love of poop and fart jokes will finally be able to get the Pooping Deer tee from our Online Store!
You’ll share tons of laughs with fellow Castle Crashers lovers–or at the very least, you’ll be able to laugh at all the raised eyebrows you’ll see. They may question your tastes, but just let them know, “You had to be there, man.”


Play with the Devs – Ep 10 – Recap



Yesterday, we had our first Play with the Devs live stream for 2014 on TwitchTV. It was an extra special episode since we had the rare chance to bring Tom Fulp, one of our co-founders and programmer, come on the stream to play Castle Crashers XBLA with the community. While our studio is located in San Diego, California, Tom lives and works in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Luckily, he was visiting the studio this month so we stole him for an hour and put him in front of the camera.


Here's Tom preparing for battle before the live Twitch stream. He had a couple practice rounds before we got started.
Here’s Tom preparing for battle before the live Twitch stream.

Tom and I started the live stream with a development story that most people have never heard about. He wouldn’t even tell me what story he’d share before we went live with the stream!


Tom wouldn't tell me the story before the live stream so this is my genuine response to the Orange Princess and Painter Boss story.
Tom reveals an alternate scenario for Castle Crashers – Orange Princess and Painter Boss story

Another part of the fun in our Play with the Devs streams is the ability to chat with fans and answer questions they may have about our games.

TwitchTV Viewer: “How do you manage working on both Newgrounds and the Behemoth stuff?

Tom: “Poorly.

Of course, there’s more to the story than that, but you’ll have to watch the full recording of our Play with the Devs episode if you didn’t catch it live!


Answers to the trivia questions were:
1) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2) Orange knight [but we would have accepted Green knight or Hatty as well!]
3) Adam or Liam
Thank you to everyone who joined us in the chatrooms, who watched the stream, participated in the trivia contest, and big THANKS to the players who joined our Xbox LIVE parties to play Castle Crashers! Follow our TwitchTV Channel to get notified when the next stream goes live!