PAX West 2017 – Booth 1501

We’ve got less than a month to go before we’re back in Seattle, Washington for Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) West! As usual, this will be our biggest show of the year because we’re bringing tons of arcade cabinets and merch to our booth (#1501).

Here’s what we’re currently bringing with us and what you can do at our booth:


Our circle of trust at PAX West 2016

It wouldn’t be a Behemoth booth without our custom-built arcade cabinets! We’ll have our circle of trust with the Pit People single player experience on 12 stations, plus an area with the following arcade cabinets: new Pit People PVP arcade cabinets where players can battle 1v1, Pit People co-op experience, BattleBlock Theater, Castle Crashers Remastered, Back Off Barbarian, and Alien Hominid HD. Try out all of our games on these arcade cabinets for freeee!!!

For those die-hard Pit People fans out there, we’re also going to have a special station or two with the Update 5 build that isn’t currently out yet. If you want to come try out permadeath or see the new leveling changes, we’ll have it on Day 1 and possibly a few other days as well. Just ask our staff about it when you get to our booth! (Secret code is “Infinite Wisdom“)

PVP Challenge

Sharpen your Pit People PVP skills now because we’ll be doing 1v1 matches on our arcade cabinets at PAX West!

More details on the tournament prizes and rules at our PAX West 2017 Pit People PVP Challenge post.

Official Merch

Our Gift Shop will offer much merch this year. We’ve got all new Pit People figurines & plushies that have never been to PAX West before, a PAX West 2017 exclusive tee, and we’ll be bringing 12 Chonku Chonku machines!

Get them quick before we run out!

Get all details on pricing and see product images by checking out our PAX West 2017 Merch post!


Who doesn’t like free stuff? For attendees who brave the lines at PAX West, we’ll be giving out a free lanyard at each of our game demo stations. We also have a Behemoth Baggu bag that comes free with a Pit People plush bundle (or $10 if you just want the bag). We also have our classic Behemoth drawstrings bag free with any purchase!

Pit People VO Spotlight: Monica Franco

Through mutual friends I’ve come to know Monica and her voice work. The vocal roles I needed filled weren’t the same sort of flavor as what others usually request of her. We had her working remotely for this one, so I’d give my rundown of what these characters are like and then wait for the magic! Monica nailed it on her first attempt.

The Gorgons are confident ladies who follow Greek mythology pretty closely. The Pit People Gorgons are a little confident, a little alluring, and a little mysterious. I think Monica nailed the vibe I was looking for which was potentially one of the most difficult roles on Pit People.

Monica also voiced Pandora, who is Pipistrella’s sibling. Pandora isn’t phased too much by most things, and might fit description of a tomboy overall. She wields a mace, along with her tiny tiara over partially combed hair.

(See the introduction of the full Pit People VO Cast in “The Voices of Pit People)

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