Me, Myself, and Meebs

FeaturePost_MEEBSThere’s no creature more magnificent than me… unless it’s Meebs! Yes, our kimo-kawaii (translation: “cute, yet creepy”) friend is back in BattleBlock Theater for a limited time only. Just load up the full version of the game to unlock Meebs.
Also up for a limited time only are our new featured arena playlists in both the XBLA and Steam editions. Click on the playlist names below to get a better idea of what’s to come when you play the Arena Feature:
XBLA Arena Feature:
Red vs Blue by Brutal Berserk
Steam Arena Feature:

Ballout by echoplex

Note: If you have already unlocked Meebs in the past, then you will not get a notification for the unlock.

Get Pumped for Valentine’s Day!


It’s freaky Furbottom’s Friday! Funny how this Friday the 13th lands the day before Valentine’s Day. So to commemorate these two events, we’re giving out two prisoners in BattleBlock Theater!
First, we’re giving out 50% Off Prisoner. It’s freaky enough, right?
Then we want you to get pumped for Valentine’s Day! We’re giving out Ms. Pump since it’s the sweet thing to do.

Load up BattleBlock Theater to get these special unlocks and then be sure to head towards the Arena Features because we’ve updated them to the newest featured playlists:
XBLA Arena Feature:
Angry Jump King by ELITE ZION
Steam Arena Feature:
Glove Dropping by Sir Robo