Big Explosions, Little Pixies in Pit People

We’ve shown you several types of fighters in previous Pit People reveals, such as Robots & Mushrooms, but this next one may just be too hot to handle. If you like playing with explosives & fire, then the fighter of your choice could be our Pixies!


Indie Game Magazine recently did a cover story on Pit People where we talked about the game development at length and highlighted the Pixies for the first time. If you haven’t had a chance to read it, we highly recommend getting a copy of the issue HERE. It has lots of colorful pictures and delicious words in our interview with IGM.
Now, we’re going to show you some of the attacks we mentioned in the IGM article… because seeing is believing:

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Have a Hatty Holiday! New Merch is coming to town!

We’ve heard you’ve all been nice this year and so we’ve brought a new toy for all the girls and boys of Behemoth town! Re-introducing our Hatty Hattington Bust!


Stands tall at 5 1/2″, base 1 1/2″ x 1 1/2″; Weighs 8 oz (0.5 lbs); $15.00


This statue was previously a tradeshow exclusive, but it’s now available in our online store and just in time for the holiday season! It’s great to place above your mantelpiece or on top of your pile of papers–easy on the eyes and functional too! How could you say “no” to Hatty? I mean look at it. LOOK AT IT!

The Hatty Bust will be a part of the Cool Stuff section of our Online Store. If you plan on buying any of our merchandise to arrive by December 25th, please check out our list of Holiday Shipping Deadlines.
Don’t delay. Bring home your best friend, Hatty, today!