Return of Mr. P Furbottom in BBT

It’s National Boss’s Day! For this occasion, we’re bringing back Purrham Furbottom–because even bosses need to get out from time to time. Work with side-by-side with Furbottom in BattleBlock Theater!
If you don’t already have him in your special unlocks, then you can unlock him for a limited time only–but he’s going to make you work for him. LIKE A BOSS!
Unlock Purrham Furbottom by completing either the Furbottom’s Features solo or co-op levels. This week, we have a new set of solo levels that we’ve featured!
XBLA Solo Feature:
Final Stage by BMcKenzie65
Difficulty Rating: Intermediate
Steam Solo Feature:
Magic Adventure by Species of Rock
Difficulty Rating: Intermediate

Thanks to John, Dan, and Tom for being the awesome-est of bosses. 🙂

Castle Crashers Steam Update Out Now!

The Barbarians have taken over Castle Crashers Steam with the Barbarian Makeover update! We built a new, fast-paced multiplayer minigame just for you and your friends! Play “Back Off Barbarian” in Castle Crashers Steam and check out all the new improvements that were added in with this latest update:


– New mini game: Back Off Barbarian*
– Uncapped frame rate (FPS)
– Ultra mode: high quality textures**
– Updates to UI flow
– Russian language support added
– General bug fixes and improvements


*Back Off Barbarian Mini Game:
Our new mini game, Back off Barbarian, has replaced the previous mini game in Castle Crashers Steam edition. If you’d like to read up on our reason for why we replace All You Can Quaff, check out this page here.


**Ultra Graphics Mode:
A new optional texture quality setting located in the Game Settings Menu. Once the game has been updated, this mode will not be on by default. Players must go to the Game Settings menu and manually toggle it on. Please note, this setting will not perform the same on all systems. It is intended for use on high spec gaming systems and requires a 64-bit OS. So use at your own risk!