80% off our Steam games!

cclargeadSchool’s out for summer, you say? Work’s hard this summer, you say? Unsure how to fill the emptiness inside, you say?

Well we’ve got some good news for you: The Steam Summer Picnic Sale has begun and both of our Steam games are 80% Off until July 4th!
bbtsquareWho doesn’t love a good picnic with video games?
Castle Crashers Steam
Available for Windows & Mac OS
BattleBlock Theater Steam
Available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS
Have a great summer & remember to K.I.T!

What’s an apocalypse without Zombies?

SWEET! The Pit People closed beta is coming soon! Earlier this year we announced our closed beta will be coming to Xbox One first with Steam to follow. If you’d like to get directly contacted when the registration form goes up, you can sign up for our mailing list here. We’ll only email you about our latest game updates and our upcoming events, so only expect one email per week from us!

Until then, let’s talk a little bit more about what you can expect from our post-apocalyptic world:


You’ve had a chance to learn more about several fighter types in Pit People, including Cupcakes that heal and Hair Trolls that self-heal but take up more Team slots. Now, it’s time we introduce you to a fighter who can resurrect and only takes up half a Team slot!

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