Rose returns for Mother’s Day weekend

This Sunday, we honor the women who have sacrificed so much for the sake of bringing in another soul into this world. Many have nurtured human life in their womb. Many have taken up the responsibility to love a child that may not even be their own flesh and blood. In any case, they’ve given countless hours of themselves and we celebrate their strength this weekend.



So it isn’t much in comparison to what mothers in the world give, but we offer Roses in BattleBlock Theater for the next two weeks! Hey, it’s the thought that counts, right? (Right, Mom?? No? Uhh…time to go last minute shopping.)
Enjoy this unlock this weekend and think of your momma or other people’s mommas who may have been kind to you too! And be sure to check out the new Arena Feature:
XBLA Arena Feature
The Stadium by RagingPlayer313
Steam Arena Feature
15+5=15 by joão victor ts

Happy Mother’s Day!


Cat Control returns for Astronomy Day

This week marks the 25th anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope. April 25th is also International Astronomy Day! We’ve definitely got a deep appreciation for space and the technology that gets us closer to interstellar worlds. In honor of these events, we’re giving you Cat Control:
It’s not quite a space suit, and not quite a UFO, but it’s definitely out of this world! Enjoy this special unlock by loading up BattleBlock Theater. While you’re already in there, be sure to check out the new Arena Feature!
XBLA Featured Arena Playlist:
Arcademania by Dann2442
Steam Featured Arena Playlist:
ncr_soccerpack by ncrecc
Note: If you already unlocked CatControl in the past, then you will not get a notification this time. You can find the special prisoner in your player set up under the star category.