PAX East 2015 – Day 2 Recap

Saturday proved to be the most chaotic day at PAX East 2015, but at least it was organized chaos! We’re going to have even more events today for those lucky Day 3 attendees: New Events Added for Day 3.

Our line for the Game 4 arcade demo stretched against the wall on Saturday. With an estimated time of 3 hours at one point and having so many people play our game demo, it was a pretty surreal experience for us. Thank you to all the attendees for their patience and for trying out our 30 minute demo! Don’t forget that you can come back to explore the extended version of the demo.

In the early afternoon, Tom Fulp joined the No Indie is an Island panel in Cuttlefish Theater. He discussed how he and Dan Paladin first got together to start created Flash games on Newgrounds, way before they formed the Behemoth with John Baez. Dan originally reached out to Tom just via email and simply asked if he wanted to work together! Hopefully you got to catch the panel and the little tidbits of info that Tom shared!

Tom and Will had another autograph signing on Saturday to meet and greet with fans. This was originally scheduled as the last meet and greet, but we’ve just added another session from 2-4PM on Sunday (Day 3)!
Check out the rest of our Day 2 photos HERE and be sure to stop by the booth on this last day to say hello (or goodbye? [Sad face]). Booth fifty-twenty!

PAX East 2015 – New Events for Day 3

We’ve just added a couple events for the last day of PAX East 2015!
Super Soviet PAX East Sunday Funday Contest

Super Soviet Missile Mastar

While the attendees are waiting in line for our Game 4 demo (or just hanging out by our booth in general), they can download Super Soviet Missile Mastar for free on their iOS devices and try to get the highest score of the day. (Tip: You could even download the game now and start practicing!)
High scores will be posted at the Behemoth booth #5020. If an attendee beats the posted score, they must show their score to a Behemoth employee, who will take their information and repost the new score. If you have questions, you can always ask us at the booth.
We will contact the winner at 4 PM to collect their prize. If we are unable to contact the winner by 5:00 PM, the prize is offered to next highest score. Winner must be able to collect by 6 PM from our booth to be eligible.

The prize for the highest score of the day at PAX East 2015 is a set of all our Series 4 Pinny Arcade pins, which are normally sold via our Chonku Chonku machines in a blended blind arrangement. (The retail value is $50 for five pins–Not a bad prize for playing a free game!)
Good luck to all the contestants!

Tom & Will Meet & Greet with fans

Tom Fulp (our co-founder & programmer) will be doing another Meet & Greet with fans alongside with Will Stamper (our BattleBlock Theater & Game 4 narrator). They will be signing items from 2-4PM EST at Booth 5020. It’s the last chance, so make sure to get there early because we will be capping the line close to 4PM.