Hear ye! Hear ye! All ye loyal subjects of the mysterious BattleBlock Theater (Steam version), we introduce to you the most honorable Cupcake of Game 4.
Earlier this week we revealed some more developments on Game 4: the customizable options of our special healing unit, Cupcakes. In honor of this special occasion, Cupcake has made its way over to BattleBlock Theater Steam as a special unlock. Just load up the full version of the game and this character will be added to your Star prisoners.
(Exclusive to BattleBlock Theater Steam)
For our players on XBLA, you will be getting two special unlocks this week along with the new Arena Feature. Although not quite edible, these two special unlocks are still pretty sweet! When you load up BBT on XBLA, you’ll get Stubby (which is exclusive to XBLA) and Hatzilla.

Here are our featured Arena playlists for the next two weeks:
XBLA Arena Feature:
Baller 2 by Feaking Jesus
Special unlocks: Stubby (XBLA Exclusive) & Hatzilla
Steam Arena Feature:
BasketBrawl by rpvarela
Special unlock: Cupcake (Steam Exclusive)
Happy Friday! May your weekend be filled with competitive fun in the Arenas.