Cat Control returns for Astronomy Day

This week marks the 25th anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope. April 25th is also International Astronomy Day! We’ve definitely got a deep appreciation for space and the technology that gets us closer to interstellar worlds. In honor of these events, we’re giving you Cat Control:
It’s not quite a space suit, and not quite a UFO, but it’s definitely out of this world! Enjoy this special unlock by loading up BattleBlock Theater. While you’re already in there, be sure to check out the new Arena Feature!
XBLA Featured Arena Playlist:
Arcademania by Dann2442
Steam Featured Arena Playlist:
ncr_soccerpack by ncrecc
Note: If you already unlocked CatControl in the past, then you will not get a notification this time. You can find the special prisoner in your player set up under the star category.

A TripleThreat returns to BattleBlock Theater

FeaturePost_TripThreatToday is National Sibling Day! There’s no other person(s?) who understands the importance of family bonding more than TripleThreat! These three can’t stand being apart ever…or is it that they can’t stand, if they’re apart? In any case, in the spirit of Sibling Day, we’re giving you three prisoners in the body of one!
Just head into BattleBlock Theater and go towards an online feature in the game to unlock this prisoner. If you already have TripleThreat in your list of Star prisoners, then you won’t be getting the notification.
While you’re already in the game, you may as well take advantage of our awesome new Arena Features made by the community!
XBLA Arena Feature
battle modes by NightBone2012


Steam Arena Feature

DopeOut Arena by echoplex