Two prisoner unlocks & two co-op playlists

We won’t deny it. BattleBlock Theater has some flat characters! (But they’ve got plenty of personality.) This week, you’ll be able to get a couple of our flattest prisoners: Steam Roll Victim #1 and Toast.

Here’s how: Launch the full version of BattleBlock Theater on Steam or XBLA and head towards an online area. Steam Roll Victim #1 should unlock and go straight to your collection of star prisoners.
Toast will require a little more commitment on your part to unlock. Play either the Solo or Co-Op playlist in Furbottom’s Features. Once you’ve completed the full playlist of levels, then this prisoner will unlock as your reward!
Check out the two co-op playlists that we just featured this week in Furbottom’s Features:
Featured Co-Op Playlist for XBLA:
Crash Cup Coop by RBSfreekill
Difficulty Rating: Expert
Featured Co-Op Playlist for Steam:
BoomerLands by Syntaxx
Difficulty Rating: Expert



Our definition of “Expert”: Expert difficulty playlists will be challenges even for BattleBlock veterans. These levels are put together with no regard for the safety of your prisoner. Innovative and deadly exercises await inside these demanding levels. Doubly so on Insane Mode!
*A special note regarding Prisoner unlocks: Remember you can complete either Story mode Furbottom’s Feature to unlock this week’s featured Prisoner. If the Co-Op Feature is too hard, try Solo and vice versa! You can even recomplete current Feature’s you have already played!


Halloween Contest 2014

Our annual Halloween Contest is upon us! Who will have the most creative, creepy, and clever costumes and decorations this year? It could be you!
With weeks to go before Halloween, you’ll have plenty of time to create your Behemothy creation and enter our Halloween contest.


To enter our contest just post a photo of your Behemoth related costumes or decorations in this thread on our forums. Behemoth related games include BattleBlock Theater, Castle Crashers, Alien Hominid, Alien Hominid PDA Games, Super Soviet Missile Mastar, or Dad ‘N Me. You could even do characters based on our Game 4 videos!
On the night of November 3rd this thread will be locked, so get your entries in before we close the contest at 5PM PST. We will review the entries and on November 6th we’ll select three winners in each category: Costumes and Decorations. That means we’re giving out 6 prize packages!
As always, judging will be based on creativity, hilarity and/or spookiness. Prize packages will include a Game 4 Cupcake/Spidaur tee and Behemoth scarf, plus your choice of Alien Hominid HD, Castle Crashers, or BattleBlock Theater game code (if you already own all three games, then you can give it to a friend!).


–Group entries are allowed!
–Your entry must be your own creation (or your group’s, parent’s, family’s).
–Only new costumes and decoration entries will be accepted (entries that were submitted in previous years will not be eligible).
–Decorations can include pumpkin carvings, special treats, or other decorations in or outside of your abode.
–You may enter more than once.

Need ideas?? Check out all the extraordinary entries from the winners of our last Halloween contest HERE!