SDCC 2015 Recap

To see our Collection of SD Comic Con photo albums, please click HERE.


We had an exciting five days at San Diego Comic Con last week! It started with the unveiling of the name “Pit People” hours before Preview Night. And we brought our game demo to San Diego Comic Con for the first time!
On Day 1 of Comic Con, we had a chance to step away from our booth and join GamesRadar at their second floor space above Lootcrate. Anthony Agnello and Maxwell McGee of GamesRadar chatted with our very own Dan Paladin about our upcoming games:

IGN also stopped by to join us in the Pit for Pit People! Here were their thoughts on the game:

We also had our first group of Behemoth game character cos-players stop by on the first day! Here we have the grey knight, the nurse, and the blue knight:


Photo credit: Vivien Pham
Photo credit: Vivien Pham

Friday was our 2nd official full day of Comic Con! If you were curious what our booth looks like without the crazy crowds and what surrounding booths look like, then you should check out our Day 2 album on our Flickr.

Finally, Day 3 and Day 4 of Comic Con hit Saturday and Sunday respectively. We had a smooth weekend in spite of the thousands of people walking the show floor. The arcade cabinets were constantly being used and Castle Crashers Remastered got fairly rowdy at some points! We also had people lining up to play Pit People. Here’s a Vine of some scenes from our game demo:

If you came by to check out our latest game in development, then we’d like to say “Thank you for playing!”

Let us know in the comments section: what your favorite photo was and what you’d like to see pictures of at our next expo!


Barbarians all around!

barbarianWe brought back our Barbarian statue to Comic Con 2015 so that fans could have a chance at getting their mug shot with their favorite frenemy.
If you’re at San Diego Comic Con, be sure to swing by booth 229 for a photo with character statues from Castle Crashers, BattleBlock Theater, and Pit People.
This week, you’ll also be able to unlock the Barbarian when you finish Furbottom’s Features! Now your BattleBlock Theater mug shot will be the Barbarian, too!

You can play the solo playlist created by Mega 64, or you can check out the new Co-Op playlist in Furbottom’s Features:
XBLA Co-Op Feature:
FNAF 2 by FawnPLays
Difficulty Rating: Easy
Steam Co-Op Feature:
Season Theater by Syntaxxx
Difficulty: Expert

Happy Friday!