BattleBlock Theater coming to Mac!


Developing for different platforms is like growing apples and oranges. We’ve already come out with oranges and bananas, but what we’ve heard from many of you is that you want the apples too. So, for you apple consumers, we’ve got good news for you:
We will be updating BattleBlock Theater Steam to include Mac OS! Current players will also be able to play from Windows or Linux and move their game copy over to Mac thanks to Steam Play. As long as you own a copy of BattleBlock Theater Steam, you’ll be able to play on any of the three Steam platforms.
You can purchase the game on Steam at any point and the Mac version will become available once our update goes live later this month! It will be compatible with all versions of Mac OS X 10.7 and above.
Have no idea what our game is about? Here are two videos that may confuse you more:


Do not miss Donuts!

FeaturePost_DonutsThey’re freeeee! Free donuts for everyone in BattleBlock Theater! We are celebrating National Doughnut Day with the rest of the U.S. and you can too.
Just hop into BattleBlock Theater and grab this treat before it’s gone. If you’ve already unlocked Donuts in the past, then you won’t be receiving a notification, but your Donuts will already be in your star prisoner section of the player select menu.
We’ve also got some sweet new levels up under the Arena Feature, so make sure to go play them this weekend!
XBLA Arena Feature
Point Grabber by icekiimo

Steam Arena Feature
Soc- Basketball by Leedin

Happy Donuts Day!