BattleBlock Theater: Furbottom’s Features

Last time, we featured a bunch of the awesome content our beta testers had come up with for the BattleBlock Community Theater: a magical place where user-made levels go once theyโ€™re uploaded from the Level Editor. While we hope you enjoyed that peek behind the curtain, some of you may have been thinking, “Hey, what about the awesome content I plan to make? If only MY levels could be featured in a feature somehow.

Well my friends, it turns out your feature-worthy levels CAN be featured in a feature somehow! In fact, thishow:

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BattleBlock Theater (Beta): User Created Levels

Ah, yes… the BattleBlock Community Theater. Even after 3 years of playwriting levels, how those Beta builders still managed to surprise me! And kill me. And then surprise me again! Whether I was flung through explosions into rooms made out of teleporters or flung through teleporters into rooms made out of explosions, the experience was quite the rollercoastery deathtrap of emotion.

In fact, the classified content you guys came up with was SO classy, we just had to put together a montage of our favorite user-generated moments from the Beta. Check out the video below to see what madness those playwrights did wrought.
Ready the Rube Goldberg machines!

Note:ย These user generated playlists may not be available in the Community Theater with the release of the game in spring because they were created during the BattleBlock Theater Beta. However, this content is still protected by copyright under The Behemoth. Thanks for understanding!