Our BattleBlock Theater Beta Begins on Steam

SteamTrailerGuyThe BattleBlock Theater Steam Beta begins today!
We’re excited to have so many people be a part of this journey to bring BBT onto PC. Our selected Beta Testers should receive their Beta keys in their inboxes (please be patient as there are thousands of emails that need to go out) and Testers will start off by doing free-play tonight. Then we’ll all work together to check different areas each day by playing a specific online section at suggested times. Our development team organized these group playthroughs with the Beta Testers so we could maximize the week-long Beta.
It’s an awesome opportunity to allow Steam users to play through our game first before it hits the store and this helps our team by giving us a more real-world test environment. We’re so grateful to all the Beta Testers for volunteering their time and hope that they enjoy this special early preview of the Steam version of BattleBlock Theater. Now, without further ado, BETA GO!


BBT Steam Registrations Close Friday


This Friday morning, March 21st, we’ll be closing off the registration form for our BattleBlock Theater Steam Closed Beta. We will start reviewing the applicants this week and start sending out acceptance emails so please keep your eye on your inboxes for that golden ticket. You know it’ll be pretty sweet! (Haha, see what we did there?) And for those who still need a bit of persuasion before signing up for the beta, check out our announcement trailer below:



Our tentative start date for Closed Beta of our Windows version of BattleBlock Theater Steam will be next week. A Closed Beta means you’ll need to register to get a beta key, but anyone 13-years-old and up are welcome to sign up!
Read all the rules and sign up here before it’s too late.



For those of you who are curious about other versions of BattleBlock Theater, we’re happy to announce that we are currently working on the Linux version of the game as well, but it will not be ready in time for the beta. The only confirmed version for Steam at this time is for Windows, and once the first PC version is out, we will focus our attention on the Linux version. Until then, don’t get too excited staring at the pot and waiting for the water to boil.