Cock-a-doodle-do YOU have what it takes to Beat The Behemoth?
This Friday, January 31, at 12:00 PM PST, The Behemoth wants YOU to challenge us at our own game. A customary competition at our tradeshows, we wanted to open up a special challenge for EVERYONE in celebration of BEHEMOTH’s recent Challenge Mode Update! Join studio co-founders Dan Paladin and John “John Behemoth” Baez as we dodge, flap, and duck through the newly added Challenge Mode in our latest game, BEHEMOTH!
We will be live on Twitch, YouTube, and Steam beginning at 12:00 PM PST competing against EVERYONE who is actively playing the ALL NEW Challenge Mode! Beat our final score and win a BEHEMOTH Klean Kanteen from our merch store (+ maybe other goodies?!)

- You have to beat our final score while we’re live on-air.
- Any pre-existing scores on the leaderboard before our first entry will not be counted, since you have to beat us while we’re live.
- In the event that multiple people beat us, highest score wins! As long as you beat us while we’re live.
- No cheating. We’ll know. We always know. We will know if you don’t beat us while we’re live, too.
- No NSFW usernames – if you have to ask if your username is inappropriate, it most likely is.
Upon ending our challenge runs, and in between runs, we will go to the main menu to check the Challenge Mode Leaderboards. If you have bested our high score during the stream, we will announce your username(s). If your username is called, it is up to YOU to email us at games@thebehemoth.com with screenshot proof of the leaderboard to prove the account belongs to you in order to claim your prize.
Note: please do not send us any potentially sensitive account info, an in-game screenshot of your name in the leaderboards will suffice as it will be specially highlighted.
You will need to contact us via email in order to ensure that:
- Your email address and shipping address is not shared in our chat (please don’t do this)
- You can include the screenshot to prove your sweet, sweet victory
BEHEMOTH’s Challenge Mode went live on Monday, January 27. For the full patch notes, please see our previous blog post here, and then get to practicing! See you there!