It feels good to solo

I See You...have completed Furbottom's Features. Huzzah!
I See You…have completed Furbottom’s Features. Huzzah!

One is the most fabulous number that you’ll ever do
Two can be as fun as one
It’s the raddest number since the number one

This week we’re changing up the Solo Feature in BattleBlock Theater! You can have fun and be number one just by going to Furbottoms Features in the game. The best part is that you’ll be getting a special prisoner when you finish up all the levels.
Furbottoms Features Updates


Solo Playlist on XBLA:

The Pyramid by whydavid

Solo Playlist on Steam:

Industrial by xDplayerDx

FeaturePost_TOOTHBRUSHSince we think two can be as fun as one, we’re giving you two special unlocks this week! Tooth Brush will be available as soon as you load up the game and head towards an online area in the game.
So get in the game, brush up on your BBT skills, and get these unlocks!

Under where? – National Underwear Day

Here it is! Can you feel the excitement that is National Underwear Day? Weeee can!


To show you how excited we really are:



Oh…how embarrassing. Well don’t let that image soil–I mean–spoil your urge to go. Go where? Go wear this proudly in the Theater! All you need to do it load up BattleBlock Theater and Mr. Peabody will unlock. But don’t wait too long to do it. It’s not healthy.


You have less than a day before we clean up the Theater and remove that stained prisoner for another day.