PAX East 2015 – Day 1 Recap

We’re heading into Day 2 of PAX East and we’re ready for what’s usually the busiest day of the show. Our booth will be open from 10AM to 6PM EST, and we’ll have a signing session from 2PM to 4PM EST.
In addition, we’ve got some MEGA drawstring Behemoth bag giveaways! (Follow our Twitter because we’ll notify you of the times there.) You’ll also get a bag when you buy something from our gift shop. See you all soon!



Day 1 Recap
Our Game 4 demo was drawing a crowd and seemed to get a lot of positive reviews from PAX East attendees so far. (Thank you to everyone who filled out a comment card!)
The line was averaging about an hour and a half for attendees to play, but when they do sit down to play they get a good chunk of the game to try out. Don’t miss out on our PAX East 2015 Game 4 demo!
From 2pm to 4pm on Friday, Tom Fulp and Will Stamper met with fans at our booth. They signed merch, took photos, and chatted about Behemoth & Newgrounds. They’ll be doing it again today if you didn’t come by yesterday.
To see all our photos from Day 1, click HERE.

Welcome to PAX East 2015 Day 1

Update: Added Set Up video to this blog post

It’s a beautiful day with at least 10 degrees out here in Boston! With the sun shining and the PAX Expo Hall about to open, how could you not be excited for this weekend? Welcome to PAX East 2015!


IMG_3244Click for more set up photos

We’re going to be bringing you our booth coverage via our blog, our Twitter, and our Instagram this weekend. Be sure to come to the blog every day for a recap of the previous day of PAX East. If you’re looking for our Autograph Signing times or new merchandise info, click HERE for all previous PAX East posts.
Let’s get Day 1 started!! Open up those doors!!


Team Behemoth is ready for PAX East! Photo credit: Paul Wegman
Team Behemoth is ready for PAX East! Photo credit: Paul Wegman


P.S. Thanks to Paul for taking the time to catch us all at individual times for solo shots and then putting together a “group photo.” We rarely have time to take a group shot so this was awesome! Plus exploding foam chickens are pretty rad. (We’re just missing you now, Paul!)