Bobbing for Tiny Monkeys in BattleBlock Theater

FeaturePost_BOBBINSAutumn is here and soon we’ll be bobbing for apples–if you’re into that sort of thing. Or you could just hop on to BattleBlock Theater and get Mr. Bobbins.
Oh, and hey, while you’re still there you should really check out the new Furbottom’s Features Solo Playlist! When you complete either the newly featured Solo Playlist or last week’s Co-Op Playlist in Furbottom’s Features, you’ll get Tiny Monkey as a reward for finishing all the levels.


The Solo Playlists you’ll find in Furbottom’s Features:
XBLA Solo Feature:
team tadpole by TeamTadpole
Difficulty Rating: Intermediate
Steam Solo Feature:
A Round of Golf by Sir Robo
Difficulty Rating: Intermediate

Difficulty Rating: Intermediate

Our definition: Oh, the lovely middle. The greenest grass will occasionally be right here, firmly content to be on the fence. Levels in line with the difficulty of the original Story campaign will be here. Expect some challenge, but nothing too strenuous.


New Plush Hats Hit the Store!

Many of you have been asking for our plush hats and now the wait is over! Head over to the Behemoth Online Store to buy a Castle Crashers Bitey Bat Hat, BattleBlock Theater Raccoon Hat, or BattleBlock Theater Duckshark Hat — all character designs by Dan Paladin and plush designs by Anna the Red!


These hats came just in time for winter since they’ll keep your head and ears warm! Each hat is $15 each plus(h) shipping costs. Hats off to Lee (our merch guy) for putting up the head wear online!