Snails slide back in to BattleBlock Theater

FeaturePost_SnailDid you know that May 24th marks National Escargot Day? Edible snails were one of the first animals to be eaten and farmed by man. Now, you can find Snails in BattleBlock Theater too!
Just load up the game and head towards an online area to unlock this special character. If you find some toast in game, you could have an escargot sandwich! Then you’ll have your fill of carbs and protein for the day! Just remember, kids: not all species of land snail are edible. Don’t go around popping every snail you see into your mouth…
Also out this week, new Featured Arena levels! These were level playlists made by the community and selected by our very own level design team.
XBLA Arena Feature
Smoshageddon by Mr P Furbottom

Steam Arena Feature
King o da arena by Sunny III


Rose returns for Mother’s Day weekend

This Sunday, we honor the women who have sacrificed so much for the sake of bringing in another soul into this world. Many have nurtured human life in their womb. Many have taken up the responsibility to love a child that may not even be their own flesh and blood. In any case, they’ve given countless hours of themselves and we celebrate their strength this weekend.



So it isn’t much in comparison to what mothers in the world give, but we offer Roses in BattleBlock Theater for the next two weeks! Hey, it’s the thought that counts, right? (Right, Mom?? No? Uhh…time to go last minute shopping.)
Enjoy this unlock this weekend and think of your momma or other people’s mommas who may have been kind to you too! And be sure to check out the new Arena Feature:
XBLA Arena Feature
The Stadium by RagingPlayer313
Steam Arena Feature
15+5=15 by joão victor ts

Happy Mother’s Day!