Alien Hominid HD Launch


Welcome to the ALL NEW! We’ve gone through many versions of this webpage as well as many versions of Alien Hominid. This Wednesday February 28th, 2007 Alien Hominid HD will be released for the Xbox Live Arcade. It’s been a hectic couple of months getting this version of the game ready for the 360, but the end result is something we are all very proud of.

In addition to this exciting launch of the game we have an even bigger surprise! For the first time anywhere, we’re offering the top Leaderboard winners a chance to receive an exclusive one-of-a-kind Behemoth Trophy. Head on over to the Leaderboards page and check out the details to collect your rewards.

So to recap, here is a breakdown of what is coming down the pipe by The Behemoth:

Alien Hominid HD Launch – Wednesday February 28th for 800 Microsoft Points

Behemoth Trophies – First place leaderboards receive an exclusive Behemoth Trophy, handmade by the staff of The Behemoth. We’re the first developer to EVER handout a prize for the Xbox Leaderboards, so test your skills to try to make your way on to the coveted Hall-of-Fame.

IGF 2007 Audience Award

The 7th Annual Independent Games Festival is almost here and our latest title Castle Crashers is up for the coveted Audience Award. Please head on over to the Offical Voting Page and show your support by selecting Castle Crashers.

The winners of the event will be announced in March at the annual Game Developers Conference. We will be there of course showcasing our latest Castle Crashers demo and hanging out with all of our friends and fans. So if you’re in the area, come on by and say hello and give Dan, Tom, and John a hug.igf2007