Happy National Chicken Wing Day! A 24-Hour Flash-Fried Sale

Alright, hear us out. Just… hear us out.

Wednesday, July 29th is National Chicken Wing Day. A whole day dedicated to chicken wings, and all things chicken wings. Things ‘n’ wings, if you will.

Now, we at the Behemoth embody a giant chicken. But that chicken does not, in fact, have wings. For a day like National Chicken Wing Day that’s a mild disappointment, but regardless, we wanted to get in on the fun and offer an alternative celebration for our wingless friends.

That’s why, for all of National Chicken Wing Day (That’s 12:01 AM PT to 11:59 PM PT on Wednesday, July 29th, 2020) our very awesome, very huggable, very much chicken wingless Behemoth Chicken Plush will be on sale for 50% off!

This is a flash (fried) sale that will last for 24 hours early, so be sure to take advantage while you can!! Flap on over to store.thebehemoth.com on July 29th to get your very own feathered friend.

We’re Making a Summer Splash with Super Sales!

How many S’s can you fit into one sentence? Summer Splash with Some Super Sunny Sales and Smiles?! The answer is a lot, apparently.

The Steam Summer Sale has crashed down like a wave, and all of our games are on sale on Steam! From June 25th to July 9th, you can grab Castle Crashers and BattleBlock Theater for 80% off, and Pit People for special 52% off. (The 52% discount makes the price a nice number that we liked, okay? Plus, it’s 2% more than 50%, so that’s cool for you too!)

But wait, there’s more!

Be sure to check out the Cozy Couch Co-Op Bundle on Steam! The bundle features BattleBlock Theater alongside a slew of fun co-op adventures from other developers — it’s perfect for anyone who’s looking for new games to play with friends, and will also be discounted during the Summer Sale! Watch this super cool trailer or click the link for more details.

If you already have some of the games in the bundle, no worries — Steam subtracts the cost of what you already own so you don’t have to spend extra cash.

But wait, there’s MORE more…

Pump up your summer style with a Behemoth merch sale! From June 25th to July 9th, you can save big in our online merch store.

Freshen up your wardrobe or grab a lovable plush to hug for 20% off using the delicious code “HAWT” at checkout! This code will work for everything in the store, so take your pick of goodies. On top of that, all Pit People figurines will be 50% off for even more fun!

This sale will end at 12:00 AM PT on July 9th, so snag a deal while you can!

We that we bring you a little bit of extra fun to help you kick off your summer vacation. Hang ten!! Or hang eight, because Google says that chickens have four toes per foot, unless they’re Silkies, which have five. The more you know!!