In the middle of the great and grand Behemoth PAX West booth (#1501) sits a beautiful boutique visited only by the coolest and most fashionable of people. This boutique is none other than the Behemoth Gift Shop!
What’s going to be for sale at the Gift Shop, you might ask? Only the highest quality of Behemoth branded products, ranging from accessories to apparel. If you’re interested, we’ll let you browse the newest pieces that will be available in our PAX West catalogue…

We’re just going to come right out the gate with our big ticket reveal: our PAX West exclusive!

Look extra beefy in our exclusive PAX West 2019 t-shirt, featuring the beefy blue knight and a smattering of delicious sandwiches! You can only be this beefy if you snag the shirt from the show, so don’t miss out.
Pink Knight Hat
What’s pink and pink and pink all over? Our tradeshow exclusive item for the year, the Pink Knight hat, which will also be available for purchase at PAX West!
Y Thou T-Shirt

Y not, thou?
Necromancer Rock ‘n’ Bones T-Shirt

The necromancer has committed himself to a life of rock and bones.
Pink Knight Socks

Match in pink from head to toe! Or toe to toe! Foot to foot!
You’ll have to wait on this last one, but we promise that it’ll be worth it.
Remember, PAX West 2019 kicks off in Seattle on August 30th and runs through September 2nd, so be sure to free up that weekend. We’ll see you there!