Valentine’s Day Fan Art Contest Winners

Big smooches and hugs to all of the fans who submitted their hard work in this year’s Valentine’s Day Fan Art Contest! There were so many sweet entries this year that we got cavities just looking at them.
As always, it was difficult to narrow it down to just a few winners, so we’ve selected three winners, tallied up the votes for the audience award winner, and chosen four honorable mentions! The four winners will receive a pink knight plush and the four honorable mentions will be receiving a pink knight keychain. So without further ado, here are the sweetest of the treats:

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How to get Castle Crashers Remastered for Free

We released Castle Crashers Remastered (CCR) on Xbox One last week! This is our first game on Xbox One and it is currently free* in countries that currently have Castle Crashers Remastered as a special, limited promotion for legacy Castle Crashers Xbox 360 owners until September 20th! In case you missed the memo from last week, here’s how to get it for free* on Xbox One:
-Check that you own the full version of Castle Crashers for Xbox 360
You can do this by either logging into your Xbox Live account on your Xbox 360 or on
-Check that you have a current Xbox Live Gold membership on that profile
-Using that same profile, go to the Xbox One Store and search for Castle Crashers Remastered. If you are logged in, it should list the full version of CCR as $14.99 $0.00 (FREE*)

–> If the price is listed as $14.99, please wait to purchase and contact Microsoft support.
-At this point, the store might ask for your credit card information. Please note that a registered payment method on Xbox One is required for the free* download for the Xbox 360 edition owners but your card will not be charged.
*Note that it is only free through September 20, 2015. After that date, the legacy discount becomes $5.00 for owners of Castle Crashers on Xbox 360. On Xbox One and Xbox 360, Xbox Live Gold membership (sold separately) required.

If you’d like to transfer over saved data from Castle Crashers on Xbox 360, there is a way you can transfer saves & select items. Click here to read how to transfer save data and what gets transferred over.



Castle Crashers Remastered Festivities
Castle Crashers Merchandise Sale
As an added bonus for you Castle Crashers fans out there, we’re holding a 15% OFF Sale for all Castle Crashers items in our online merchandise store! Get all Castle Crashers goodies from at 15% OFF until September 16th.
Get some awesome plushies or tees for you and your loved ones!


Live Stream
September 15th @ 3:00-5:00PM PDT : Our live stream on
Want to know who’s the best at Back Off Barbarian in our studio? We want to know, too! Come join our 2 hour live stream as we battle amongst ourselves. We’ll also be giving out codes, merchandise and answering questions from the chat room!