Closure Now Available on PSN!

We are pleased to announced that the first Gold Egg Project funded game, Closure, has just been released today on PSN. Closure, which took the grand-prize at the DICE 2012 Indie Game Challenge, is a puzzle-based platformer which focuses on the use of light to solve challenges on each level. Developed by Tyler Glaiel and Jon Schubbe, with music by Chris Rhyne, Closure is an incredibly unique gaming experience that we can’t recommend enough.

Take a look at the trailer and see for yourself exactly why Closure stands out from other puzzle games:

Closure is now available on PSN for $14.99 (or 20% off for PlayStation Plus Subscribers! Only $11.99!). It’s part of the PSN Spring Fever promotion, so it should be really easy to find.


UPDATE: The Closure guys were kind enough to give us some game codes for a free download of the new game! The first 4 people who comment on this post about why they are looking forward to playing Closure will get the PSN codes!

Update on update: Thanks to all for leaving comments. We’re just as excited as you are to play the game!

Castle Crashers is for Lovers AND Fighters.

UPDATE!! – Winners are now announced and located here,


Oh man, I’ve been wanting to write this up for a while now.


Valentine’s Day/Singles’ Awareness Day is coming up next week and…we’re running a contest for our fans to get a chance to win the beloved Castle Crashers Pink Knight –in Chonku Chonku mini-figurine form (only available at trade shows)!

There will be two categories: Doubles & Singles.

To enter into the Doubles: Write a blog post about how Castle Crashers contributes into bonding with your significant other, your favorite moments together, etc!

To enter into the Singles: Write a blog post about why it’s better to play on your own, battling enemies/friends, to rescue and kiss online princesses (which is perfectly okay)!

You can write in any style that you want.


  • Entries must not exceed 500 words in length.
  • You many only enter into one category.
  • You must publish this online and send the link to, or link it to this post as a comment.
  • The deadline to to enter will be February 13, 2012 at 5pm PST.
  • Winners will be announced on the 14th.
  • Emotion must be felt.
  • You must be okay for the prize to arrive after February 14, 2012.
  • Winners must be okay with us reblogging your post (linking it to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr).

A total of 10 Pink Knight Chonku-Chonku mini-figurines will given away!

Now — WRITE away!!! (While your chances of winning are still high) <3


Love always, from your Favorite Pink Knight







PLEASE check out BattleBlock Theater while you’re on the interwebz doin’ stuff!