My Behemoth Valentine 2021 Contest Winners!

Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but we still love all the love you gave us this year. The Valentine’s Day Fan Art contest sent tons of Valentine-y drawings and doodles our way, and we’ve selected a couple of very special ones that completely stole our hearts!

You’re all winners in our hearts, but we had to narrow things down and pick the winners that really made our hearts sing from each! This year, we picked three winners from each of our two categories: Sweetest Art and Loveliest Art.

Here are the winners for our 2021 Valentine’s Day Contest!


By Destri321 on Twitter

By Roger Ghost on Twitter

By Favorite__Lie on Twitter


By Lurkin on Twitter

By Veranable on Twitter

By NeonFragment on Twitter

As an honorable mention, we also would like to share this feature film that was created. There was absolutely incredible work and effort that went into this video by Fuzzie, and you can watch it on Twitter here.

You all really tugged on our heart strings — thank you to each and every person that entered fan art into the contest. Thank you, and I love you.

If you want to see all of the entries this year, you can check out the hashtag “#MyBehemothValentine” on your favorite social media sites!

PS (I love you?) – If you’re one of the winners, keep your eyes peeled for a message from the Behemoth Chicken on the social media account you used to enter! We’ll be in touch soon.

It’s a Lovely Day… for The Behemoth’s Valentine’s Day Fan Art Contest!

Love is in the air… actually, we don’t know what that looks, smells, or tastes like, but what we do know is that what’s actually coming up is Valentine’s Day! Seriously, our calendars told us.

We’re going to make sure that this Valentine’s Day is as lovely as it can be with our 2021 Valentine’s Day Fan Art Contest!

There are two contest categories that you can enter your fan art in: Sweetest and Loveliest. We know these are broad strokes, but we always love to see what our friends and fans come up with when we give you a word to play off of, so do what you feel and make our hearts soar!

We’ll pick a couple of winners from both categories, and those that strike us smitten will find themselves the beholder of some fabulous prizes!

The winner with the Sweetest drawing will be granted a Cupcake Plush, while the winner of the Loveliest category will earn Blacksmith Socks and a Purple Alien Hominid Invasion Bandana!

To enter, make some art, and then post it (or a picture of it) publicly to Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook with the hashtag #MyBehemothValentine before Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 11:59 PM PT. Oh, and be sure to mention what category your art is for: Sweetest or Loveliest!

Yes, you get a couple of extra days past February 14th to enter just in case your Valentine’s Day plans particularly inspire you. We’ll take the next week to vote on our winners, then announce them in a spectacular fashion with prizes and all!

And remember, nothing gets a heart pumping like official rules and legal stuff, so be sure to review those here:

•Use #MyBehemothValentine and specify a category (Sweetest or Loveliest) for eligible entry.
•No purchase necessary.
•Must be 18 or older to enter (if in the US), or have parental consent.
•Group entries are allowed! (Only one prize pack per winning individual or group).
•Your entry must be your own creation (or your group’s, parent’s, family’s).
•Only new entries will be accepted (entries that were submitted in previous years will not be eligible).
•You may enter one unique entry to each category (but may not win both).
•International participants are welcome!

I love it already! Too soon?