Castle Crashers ready for submission


Dear Behemeisters,

Just a quick note to update you on Castle Crashers for PSN’s progress. After months and months of rigorous testing, we’re beginning the FINAL submission process! We still can’t estimate a release date, as this submission process is highly variable and involves yet more verification by Sony.  We will, of course, let you know when we have an idea of the date so you can put it on your calendars.

We are very pleased with the way Castle Crashers for PS3 has turned out and we look forward to playing with you soon!

Word up to all the XBLA Castle Crashers players out there! The Behemoth would never had made it this far without the overwhelmingly positive response Castle got from players on XBLA. You’ve shown a lot of love for this game and we want to share that love with as many players out there as possible.  Behemoth loves you and we haven’t forgotten about you either.


BattleBlock Theater, progress progresses

So though we’ve been talking a lot lately about Castle Crashers coming to PS3, all the while we’ve been quietly working away on BattleBlock Theater for XBLA.  We’ve got all sorts of things we’d like to start sharing with you about the game. We are still adding tons of stuff,  and changing things around all the time so please keep in mind anything we share with you is all subject to change or maybe you dreamed it.   It’s all part of the development process! Please share this magical journey with us.

These things we speak of?  New ways for players to interact, and by interact we mean kill each other. Or maybe we mean help each other. The two are so confusing…  We’ve also been exploring some new AI characters, exciting new deaths, new block types,  glorious new weaponry (with gloriously balanced previous weaponry),  and experimenting with ways to better the modes.  We’ll share some of these things with you as soon as we polish ’em up.  Emil is currently and has been in a state of non-stop vomit so we were unable to produce a video for this particular day.  Get well soon mister Emil!

While I was pacing outside wondering what we could share,  I found this newspaper on the stoop:

this just in!