The Escapist’s Developer Showdown!

Hello out there in Behemothland!

We survived PAXeast! We should have a wrap up post once the guys have recovered consciousness.

In the meantime.. We’ve been nominated once again in The Escapist’s March Mayhem Developers Showdown!

We’re up against Rockstar North (this NOT Rockstar San Diego, all you Red Dead fans!) and we’ll need every vote to beat them! Just click the image above to vote for your favorite developers. You can login with facebook, or create an Escapist account, and if you twitter you get an extra vote as well!  Voting for this round goes for 48 hours.  Will you share the love with us? Can a giant chicken defeat a rockstar?



Pink Knight, PAX, PSN Game of the Year

ok no ponies. But other exciting things!

First off, I am happy to announce that Pink Knight Figurines will be available at PAX East!!!

Pink Knight comes with all 4 regular weapons PLUS a special sweet (get it?) lollipop weapon. Like the Barbarian and King Figures, Pink Knight is limited edition, so pick one up at PAX east this weekend! The Behemoth will be at booth #550, with Castle Crashers and brand new BattleBlock Theater demos on our hand made arcade cabinets!! Tom and Dan will be signing 1-3 every day, come say hi!

Did you hear? Thanks to your votes, Castle Crashers won Best Downloadable Game on PS3 in the 2011 PlayStation Network Gamers Choice Awards!

As the winner, Castle Crashers is featured in the Spring Fever promotion on PSN. Through April 12th, it is available at 30% off (50% off for plus subscribers). A really big thank you to everyone who voted. It was a really close race at the end between Castle and a certain pilgrim.. and every vote counted!

see you at PAX east?

