RTX 2015 – Set Up

Howdy! We were at the Austin Convention Center until around 2AM last night building our Behemoth booth for Rooster Teeth Expo 2015!

This year we are sandwiched between Pizza Hut and one of the three bars on the RTX exhibit hall. We’re also right by the restrooms and the exit! (I think we’re set for all our needs :P)
The doors open at Noon today and we’re almost finished with our set up! Check out all of last night’s set up photos HERE.
Don’t forget that we’re doing a daily raffle and photo contest for some awesome Behemoth prizes. All of the rules can be found in this blog post.
We look forward to seeing you soon, RTX fans!


Steamroll your way into the weekend!

FeaturePost_SteamRollerIt’s Friday! Make sure your weekend doesn’t fall as flat as this prisoner’s face!
As a reminder, we’re going to re-release Steamroll Victim #1 in BattleBlock Theater for a limited time only. If you’ve received this unlock in the past then you won’t be getting a notification, but you should be able to find it in your star category of prisoners.
And to spice up your weekend, we’ve updated the Arena Feature in BattleBlock Theater. This means you get to play a whole new set of awesome levels made by the community and you can play it with your closest friends or closest strangers online.


XBLA Arena Feature:
15ChambersOfFun by ManningOnThe


Steam Arena Feature:

RIP Friendship by Spaten Rundung