Another exciting and innovative way of playing Castle Crashers Steam Edition is coming your way by the makers of Gestureworks Gameplay! This summer, Android users will also be able to link up their devices to specific Steam games, including Castle Crashers on PC. Version 2 of Gameplay will allow players to co-op using their touch devices as the Android phones and tablets turn into fully customizable Virtual Controllers.
“Version 2 allows up to four players to be connected for use in co-op and multiplayer games. While the Virtual Controllers can emulate the joystick, buttons, D-pad, and other controls of a standard game control, the easy-to-use drag and drop interface allows for so much more customization. Opacity, size, and sensitivity can all be adjusted and there are even game-specific skins available such as for Castle Crashers with each of the four controllers showing a unique color and character from the game.”
See how you can battle Catfish and Barbarians with your friends using Gameplay 2:
Read more about Gestureworks Gameplay 2 on their blog post.
Day 3 of BitSummit
Well the Japan adventure is almost over for us. Our last day at BitSummit was yesterday! We took part in the awards ceremony as one of the sponsor presenters. John went up to represent and presented the award for Excellence in Game Design to Gangs Of Space. There were nine awards in total.
Finally, we started the tear down of our booth by giving away the booth sign of our logo to our biggest fan at BitSummit. Natsumi-chan came by every day of BitSummit every few hours with more friends. She couldn’t keep away and we didn’t want her to part without keeping a part of us.
Our group had a great time meeting everyone at the show! Thanks to everyone who came by to play our games and to say hello. (To see the rest of the photos from Day 3, click HERE.)