The Voices of Pit People

Dan and Ashly during a recording session in the Whisper Room


The idea of a voice actor cast is both humorous and daunting within the context of The Behemoth and the breadth of games we’ve worked on. At one point it’s non-existent, at another very minimal, and then eventually it became the most amazing narration, to me at least, I had ever encountered. It’s safe to say Will Stamper’s BattleBlock Theater (BBT) narration is something special on multiple levels. From the writing to the humor and to even the tears. To watch this finely tuned levity weave its way throughout the game with surgical precision, it would be hard to think it was, well, a layer that came much later in the development process.

With Pit People, the process drastically differed from that of BBT in many ways. The gameplay, the story, the voices, the look; everything was started more or less in tandem. There are probably a bunch of interviews of me talking about Dan Paladin’s sketchbook containing these teams with minimal UI. I’ll be clear, that came first, but what followed was not only quick, and to put simply with a term easily overused within these walls… organic.

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Castle Crashers Steam – An update (2.2) to the update




A quick lil update to the update. Actually, it’s the second update to the update. Last week we swiftly fixed a weird thing with the mouse buttons. Sorry about that and a gi-hugic thanks to the community for bringing that to our attention. As for other things that have now been brought to our attention, well, that’s what we’re doing right now 🙂


Here’s the deal. Barbarian Makeover Update 2.2 is now live and will hopefully bring everybody’s quality of life up… errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 20%?


Things in the update:

– Fixed issue with Alt-Tab causing a crash. Now it doesn’t crash. We did it!

– Fixed various button prompt and text issues. Everything is more better!

– You can now bind the movement keys in Back Off Barbarian… now the world is your oyster!

– Adjusted weapons and animal orb attributes to match Remastered version.

– Updates to menu layout.


And that’s about it. Bye, bye!