New Arena Feature + Encore by Duckshark

Time to bust out your skills in the arena with a new playlist made by community user super tim2605! Go to the Featured Arena via Community Theater or Furbottom’s Features in BattleBlock Theater.


FeaturePost_DuckSharkAlso out today, we have an encore by special prisoner: Duckshark! This re-release was chosen because of our current trip to Japan for BitSummit. The origin of Duckshark is actually from an earlier trip to Japan for another event. Dan, our fearless leader and art director, took a look at the kanji δΈ‘ζ›Ώ and thought that the second Chinese character looked like a duck! Thus the Duckshark was born.


Don’t miss your second chance to get this Duckshark so you can do this:


New Arena Feature, Salud!

Welcome, theater patrons! It’s Friday again and we’re putting up a new Arena Feature in BattleBlock Theater. Salud!


Enjoy a new set of levels by BBT user, PS3GuyGuy, in his playlist “Caesar Salud.” Check out a preview of the arena levels here.


FeaturePost_SIRENIn addition to the updated Arena Feature, we’re re-releasing one of our awesome animated unlocks! Just sign in to Xbox LIVE, load up BattleBlock Theater, and head to an online area for Siren.


Finally, for you fans out there who have been patiently waiting for each and every prisoner unlock since the beginning of BBT time, we are going to reveal the mystery of the myth next Friday. Until next time…