Rammy in BBT for the New Year!

Happy new year! 2014 is the year of the horse, of course, but wouldn’t it be more fun if it were the year of the Rammy? It’s so cute and knocks down your enemies in Castle Crashers!
FeaturePost_RammySo today, we’ve unlocked Rammy in BattleBlock Theater (BBT) and all you have to do is sign in to your Xbox LIVE account, load up the full version of BBT and head over towards the Furbottoms Features area to get this new adorable prisoner.
It’ll bring you good luck in the theater so you can make your escapes from the treacherous stages. But you’d better get it soon, because we’re only unlocking it for a limited time only!
Wishing you the best for the new year <3


Last chance to play our playlists!

This week, we will be keeping up all of the Behemoth-made playlists in the Furbottons Features of BattleBlock Theater. You’ll have one extra week to try to complete the playlists MomentumMonster (solo) and CoMentumMonster (cooperative), which both unlock the Monster prisoner at the completion of either playlist. Also up in the Arena section of Furbottoms Features is “FightForLove,” our playlist that we created for the debut of BattleBlock Theater during its first few weeks of release in April.
A new playlist will be featured starting January 3rd, 2014.

In addition to the prisoner you unlock in Furbottoms Features, we have a few freebies that are still up if you haven’t gotten them already! Santa, Hooshmand and CyberMonday (the cute little present prisoner) are still available to unlock just by signing in to your Xbox LIVE account and heading over to the online sections of BattleBlock Theater. If you haven’t had time to get these prisoners OR if you got our game recently, then this is your chance…don’t miss it!



