We’ve seen so many thoughtful and fun playlists built using the level editor in BattleBlock Theater and we’ve enjoyed playing through different community-made levels each week! To this day, the Community Theater is home to many fan creations that any fellow BBT player can access while online. Each week, our level designers took a dedicated chunk of time to play through several community playlists to highlight the best playlists in Furbottom’s Features.
However, with the end of the year approaching and Pit People development on-going, we looked into the future to see how we could continue supporting Battleblock Theater community content without stretching too much of our resources and manpower.
Furbottom’s Features set to repeat
Starting in December 2015, we will begin rotating encores of previously featured level playlists in Furbottom’s Features. We aren’t stopping the Furbottom’s Features updates completely, but instead we will be re-featuring playlists that were highlighted in the past. We will continue re-releasing special unlocks on a weekly basis through Furbottom’s Features or as a freebie unlock, but we will no longer post on our blog each week. The prisoner unlocks will only be posted on our BattleBlock Theater Facebook page + our Behemoth Twitter.

For the rest of November, we will continue our weekly search for our favorite community made levels to be the final features to be added into the Furbottom’s Features rotation. So if you’ve been working on some BattleBlock Theater levels, finish those up ASAP to be considered for the final Arena, Solo, and Co-Op features!
Here’s the schedule for the last of the new features we’ll highlight out of the community playlists:
11/6 – Arena Feature
11/13 – Solo Feature
11/20 – Arena Feature
11/27 – CoOp Feature
Community Theater remains
But don’t stop creating entirely! The Community Theater isn’t going away so we hope that you level designers out there will continue to build even after we end our weekly searches, because there will still be players who will continue to look for new levels to play.

And you never know! We may still put in a new Feature if we run across something amazing in the future!