PIT PEOPLE UPDATE 4: VIBRANT VILLAINS is wrapping up development now. The Pit People Update will release on both Xbox One Game Preview and Steam Early Access on June 22, 2017!

This update has taken us longer than previous updates due to the amount of content Update 4 will include. We have been working on the next part of the story along with a whole new world map that will have 15 new side missions. We’re also happy to announce that we’ve got two new series of side quests in the City, each with multiple parts to the quests!
With everything combined, Pit People players can expect at least another 5 hours of gameplay in Update 4!
We’ve also got additional improvements: The House will have custom gear buttons for the creatures, the Marquette will display how many items you already have for any items being sold, the ability to choose to allow/disallow Auto-battlers from your PVP session, and more! (See the full change list below)

Live Streaming June 19th – 4:00PM to 5:30PM PST
Before we release Update 4, we’ll be giving a sneak peek of the changes we’ve made in the game and the decisions behind those improvements.
Part of the stream will showcase one of our new World Map missions and we’ll also do a task from Emperor’s Orders (which came out in Update 3) — We aren’t going to be showing story, so no need to worry about seeing big spoilers!
Our co-founder & art director, Dan Paladin, will be hosting the live stream on the Behemoth’s Twitch channel and we’re going to do simultaneous broadcasts on Mixer and Facebook Live for the first time!
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