Thanks for playing!

Hello out there in Behemothtown!

We’d like to thank everyone that has written in to tell us about their experiences playing Castle Crashers on PSN. It makes us really happy to see the game available to so many new players, and we always enjoying hearing from people playing the game for the first time.

Thanks also to those who have brought game issues to our attention over email or in our forums. It seems that one of the songs (when you open a treasure chest) has gone wandering off, and this sometimes results in a weird noise instead. We’ve located the wayward tune and you’ll be jamming to the appropriate treasure grabbing beats in no time.  We’re also working to address a crash that occurs after beating the final boss with 4 players with all players specifically using the default knights. This issue is definitely being addressed, but in the meantime, as long as at least one of your 4 player party is not a default knight, this issue won’t occur. Another thing that we are working on is tweaking the multiplayer settings for improved performance.  Because these issues do not occur in our or Sony’s test environments, this will likely take more time, but thanks to the helpful reports from players we’ve got a lot of information to draw from.

While our indefatigable programmers and Testopia are working on that, Team Tokyo has already arrived in Japan to start getting our booth ready for Tokyo Game Show! If you should find yourself in the magical land of Tokyo  Sept 18th and 19th come visit us at booth #5-N6 of the excitingly named “General Area”.



Castle Crashers Out Today for PSN!

Happy release day everyone. Today we can finally say that Castle Crashers for the PlayStation Network is here! Well technically it comes out at around 2pm PST but that’s good enough. As you read this post we are currently over 1.8 MILLION players who have experienced Castle Crashers! It’s almost as crazy sounding to read as it is to type out. With the imminent release of the game later today we are hoping to shoot past the 2 MILLION players mark very soon and that’s just very exciting and crazy at the same time.

Of course we wouldn’t be alive today if it wasn’t for the continuous support from all of our fans. We meet all of you at various shows, talk to you through emails, forums, comments, and the one thing that always remains the same is you are all very awesome.

Tomorrow we are on a plane to Seattle to attend the Penny-Arcade Expo. This will be our largest booth at PAX ever and we’re bringing everything we possibly can to make the experience great. Castle Crashers Arcade Cabinet running on a PlayStation 3, BattleBlock Theater demo, new merchandise (yes this means a PAX Exclusive T-Shirt among other things), and the list keeps going on. If you are in the area, or even if you’re not, come on by to Booth #3102 and say hello to us and play our games. We hope to see all of you on PSN later tonight attempting to rescue some kidnapped princesses. They’re all tied up on posts and everything, won’t you help them? They need your help!


*Update: I guess our estimated 2pm launch time has now passed. In the words of William Wallace, “Hold the line!

*Update #2: OK, now it’s officially out! YA! Enjoy everyone!