Hello Flying Kitty!

This week features the gift of flight–WINGS, and Prisoner #10298 from BattleBlock Theater.

If asked “which domesticated animal would be the cutest to give wings to,” what would your answer be? Ours would be a kitty. Yeah, yeah we know that you’ve learned that cats in BattleBlock Theater are evil and unforgiving. But not this one.

Kitty just wants to play.

Like a normal kitty, one of its daily activities is scheming–I mean, dreaming. What DO they dream about? Being free to do whatever they want (as if they didn’t already), but they’d like to catch birds if they could. They dream of flight.

Prisoner #10298 is not free, but Kitty has wings.

Check out those flappers! The best feature these wings will give you when you use them is the precision. Attach securely, then they’ll allow you to control how and when you flap your new wings! Flap faster to get away from enemies, float for a zen state of mind or soar through the clouds to get your shiny gems and balls of yarn!

This kitty likes to be chased, and is actually a pretty cooperative soul.

Unless faced in the throes of death. There is no explanation as to why Kitty’s favorite weapon is the grenade. Maybe when kitties get too close to people they experience claustrophobia? Therefore, the answer would be to stand at a safe distance, throw a grenade and fly away! Smart kitty.

Check out Prisoner #10298 in flight already!


Drop it like it’s hot, Ninja-style

We present to you, Ninja. Besides looking (and being) tough, hiding under his black mask that adds to his mysteriousness, he can actually be a nice guy when he wants to be. Oh, and he’s a fast runner too.
See how he calmly stands still while the chain of blocks he set off combusts ever so hotly. He found the boat to leave, but not without fighting battles of his own.

When he was en route the escape plan, he came across some blocks. His feet have the gracefulness as a swan’s presence. He quickly found out that as soon as his feet landed, these blocks would explode. How sensitive these blocks are! But don’t tell them that…they’ll go off on ya.

Catguard chases after Ninja with little success! We all know who’s going to win this fight…all Ninja has to do is sneak up behind Catguard and knock his socks off. Ohh yeah.

Find out more about Prisoner #10294, and the rest of the prisoners over at BattleBlockTheater.com

Hot stuff.
TTYL, kiddies.