Your biggest “peeslosh” moments!

Even the word “hopeless” has the word “hope” in it. And if you rearrange the letters it spells “peeslosh!” – BattleBlock Theater Narrator
As we first mentioned in our Twitch stream with The Creatures, we want you to send us your “Peeslosh” moments in BattleBlock Theater (or any game made by The Behemoth) so we can feature it in a future Twitch stream! If you didn’t catch our silly explanation of “Peeslosh” Moments in our last Twitch stream then you can check it out now:



Send about 15-60 seconds of video with your game-play and feel free to add commentary. If we like it, we’ll show it on a future Twitch stream and give you a shout out. Email your clip to games[at]thebehemoth[dot]com. Happy playing!


FF Updates and Unlocks : Father’s Day

FeaturePost_THEDADThe happiest of celebrations to you and your progenitor! To honor the Dads of today, we’ll be giving out “The Dad” today in BattleBlock Theater XBLA and Steam. All you’ll need to do is head over to an online area while you’re signed into your account and it will automatically unlock this special prisoner in the game. For some weekend fun, perhaps you can duke it out with the Dad in the Arena.


Or if the one-on-one is too much pressure, then you can just go into the Furbottom’s Feature with one–solo. We’ve updated the Furbottom’s Features solo playlist and changed up the special unlock you get when you finish the featured adventure playlists.


Furbottom’s Features – Solo Playlist Update


BattleBlock Theater Steam
Playlist: Training Zone by DinoX13


BattleBlock Theater XBLA
Playlist: Block World 2 by NightFirek900


Once you’ve finished either the solo or cooperative playlist in Furbottom’s Features, you’ll be able to unlock Manbirth. It’ll be like getting one and a half prisoners in one special unlock! You’re welcome, World.


Happy Father’s Day!