Be the King of the Hill or Grab the Gold

Do you hunger power or do you crave wealth? This weekend, we have featured Arena Playlists in XBLA and Steam that will have you either on top of a golden platform or reaching out to golden whales.
Featured Arena Playlists
XBLA Arena Playlist:
KingHillPack by Trigon100
Steam Arena Playlist:
Gold & Glory [Grab the Gold] by funky bass (Previously known as Cautious Plastic)
We should mention that this was one of our honorable mentions in the Arena Playlist Creation Contest from last year!
And, in case you missed it, we released Groundhog on New Year’s Day so make sure to check your Star prisoners and look for this handsome fella:


Groundhog is here! Groundhog is here!


Uh oh…are we on repeat? We feel like we’re repeating the year again, but that can’t be right–can it?
Well not sure if Bill Murray is going to appear, but at the very least there’s been a Groundhog sighting in BattleBlock Theater!
Load up the full version of the game and head towards an online area to unlock this special character.
And remember, have a happy new year! May your 2015 be filled with more friendship, adventure, and gaming!