PAX East Activities at The Behemoth Booth

>>Update<< Due to unforeseen circumstances, BattleBlock Theater will not be available to play at the Console Free Play room as originally announced. But it will still be on our arcade cabinets at our booth (#512) so you can join us there! 🙂

It’s starting! PAX East week starts today as we start our week long of Behemothy PAX East news right NOW.

Along with all the cool merchandise we’ll be bringing this weekend, we’ll also be showcasing Castle Crashers and BattleBlock Theater on our custom made arcade cabinets again at Booth 512! You’ll be able to enjoy the classic levels of Castle Crashers on the show floor and we’ll have all new levels for the BattleBlock Theater which were never before seen at PAX East!

And now, without further ado, a BattleBlock Theater activity that will be happening at PAX East 2013…

Ball Game Tournament

2013_TourneyBlogImgThink you’ve got the skills to sink the most dunks in BattleBlock Theater’s Ball Game mode? Team up with a friend (or let us pair you) and show us what you’ve got. Anyone can enter our tournament and victors will be give awesome prizes!

What: BBT Ball Game Tournament
Where: At The Behemoth Booth (#512)
When: Saturday, March 23rd, from 2-4PM
(Winning teams must be present the entire tournament.)
How: Sign up at The Behemoth booth (#512) before Noon on March 23rd. First 48 sign ups will be able to participate! There will be 24 teams of two in the tournament.
Prizes: Top three teams will win awesome Behemoth merch! Prizes TBA.

BattleBlock Theater (Beta): User Created Levels

Ah, yes… the BattleBlock Community Theater. Even after 3 years of playwriting levels, how those Beta builders still managed to surprise me! And kill me. And then surprise me again! Whether I was flung through explosions into rooms made out of teleporters or flung through teleporters into rooms made out of explosions, the experience was quite the rollercoastery deathtrap of emotion.

In fact, the classified content you guys came up with was SO classy, we just had to put together a montage of our favorite user-generated moments from the Beta. Check out the video below to see what madness those playwrights did wrought.
Ready the Rube Goldberg machines!

Note: These user generated playlists may not be available in the Community Theater with the release of the game in spring because they were created during the BattleBlock Theater Beta. However, this content is still protected by copyright under The Behemoth. Thanks for understanding!