Dev Stream Landing on Friday, January 27

Dear chicken blog readers, fellow aliens, humans, and everyone who isn’t an agent,

This chicken has some exciting news to share with you all: we’ll be going live this Friday with our first dev stream of the year! Join us as we introduce our community managers on stream, discuss everything that’s been added to Alien Hominid Invasion since August, and of course, invade Earth.

What has been added in that time, do you ask? Well, we’ve got flashy new charge shots for multiple weapons, new hazards and checkpoint levels, a redesign for the HUD, and more that will make your 2023 Earth invasion chaotically enjoyable.

After gaming for a bit, we’ll be holding a short Q&A about AHI with THE ONE AND ONLY DAN PALADIN! Shoot us some questions on social media this week, and they may be answered on stream.

Last but not least, we’ll be debuting two new Vtuber models for Amanda and Sarah (the community managers mentioned earlier heheh)! Who doesn’t love watching cute alien Vtubers play a game where tons of aliens fall from the sky and invade your local neighborhood?

Join us this Friday, January 27, at 2pm PST/5pm EST/10pm GMT on our Twitch or YouTube channels to join in the chaos.

Sincerest Bawks,
Big Chicken


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These are just some of the searches we found when our mainframe was invaded by aliens. It seems that they’re all in the holiday spirit and trying to make the most of it. So, aliens, if you’re reading this, please do not gift-wrap ice cream cones. Just bring them straight back to the Mothership and get your sugar rush wiggles out while you’re there.

Unexpectedly, we suffered some sort of extraterrestrial breach Thursday, 14th of December, 2022. Everything is fine now – there is no immediate cause for concern. The only discernible difference we discovered was the previously mentioned search history (although when you consider thousands of aliens invading, it was much more abundant than those six searches), and one other curious thing…

The aliens left us a holiday surprise? It looks like some sort of calendar. We’re currently trying to work up the courage to open the first day. We’ll keep our eyes on it, think about it overnight, and report back tomorrow around noon. If only we could tune out that weird humming that keeps coming from it…

We’ll be updating our socials with daily findings in case the aliens invade our website domain again. If they come back, maybe we can keep them sated with some mutation juice and cookies.