Almost There!

I’m not sure if you know this but Castle Crashers releases this Wednesday, August 27th!!! If you’re like me you and you can’t stop looking at the damn countdown on the right side of the page. To help make the time go by faster while we wait we have some great contests spread out through the internets for you to participate in.

It’s more than just about giving away free babies. It’s a chance for you to win some awesome Castle Crashers merchandise, and all you have to do is leave your comment on the site. Go check it out, it will be worth your time and you might even win a baby. (not really) Keep checking back on their site all week long for more competitions and prizes.

Yet more opportunities to win Behemoth merchandise! I grabbed this line from their site because it made me laugh.

Winners: 7 (since there’s 14 prizes, 14/2=7 math ftw!) “

That’s a lot of prizes!

Although there is only one day left for this one, you still have time to win a free copy of the game. All you have to do is write about your favorite movie with a castle in it. That’s easy enough right.. right??

More to come later in the week, 1 day 7 hours to go!!!!


17 Days Left!

We’re counting down the days until Castle Crashers is released, which is in 17 days! In preparation for this day we’ve been putting together some awesome promotional banners that can be used just about anywhere.  So if you want to help us out grab any of the three images below and plaster them anywhere you can think of to help spread the word. If you do end up using the images below please try to link them back to

We’ve also put up our official countdown timer over at so please stop by and check it out. It’s all epic looking and the music makes you feel special inside. (or not)

