Tokyo Anime Fair: Wrap Up

Hello everyone!  This is Sumi, here to report that all members of both Team Boston and Team Tokyo have returned home safe and sound!

Tokyo Anime Fair was a huge success.   The whole weekend was filled with meeting great people, occasional business meetings and interviews, and tons of convenience store runs.    What was really great was how the team as a whole (Boston, Tokyo and California) worked together through the small technical issues we had with the aid of the internet, despite Tokyo being 16 hours ahead of California and 13 hours ahead of Boston.  SO GREAT.

The booth went from this...
The booth went from this...
...To this!
...To this!

When the fair’s closing chime rang we were excited to have made it to the very end in one piece, but our work certainly didn’t end there.  We broke down the booth and from then on we had roughly two and a half days left in Japan land.  While we would have loved to kick back and relax centaur-style, we had meetings up until the very last day, and even while we were sight-seeing, we were constantly talking about plans for the future and researching.  The Behemoth never sleeps but that’s the way we like it!

Hit the jump to read more about the wrap-up of our Japan adventure, see more pictures, and also read a cool story about a PSP we messed up on accident.

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PAX East, Day 1

Hello all! Tierney here, you may have seen me in such roles as “The Orange Princess does Comic-Con ’09” …or, well that is about it. I’m here to update you on team Behemoth U.S.A and our travels so far this week.

Hatty prepares for departure!
Hatty prepares for departure!

Upon our arrival to this freezing, ice city of brick  and bridges, we quickly learned two things: we’re not  in San Diego anymore (burr) and apparently we missed Dunkin’ Donuts global takeover. Seriously, there are two D.D’s per every Bostonian.

With the other half of our beloved Behemoth team as far away as they could possibly be while on the same  planet,  and our biggest booth to date, we have been busy worker bees. But let me just tell you, it has been so worth it, we hope you can come by and check it out! The chicken is as big and bad as he can be, and we have an awesome timeline that illustrates the evolution of the Behemoth. Custom lighting and pods for all of our knights, shirts and other various delights,  plus 4 consoles to play BattleBlock Theater & Castle Crashers make this the happiest place on earth.  For those of you who can’t join us, scope out the pictures of our awesome new booth digs. After the show starts tomorrow, we’ll add a few more pics so you can see the complete completion & fellow Behemoth fans in action.

Check out the rest of the pictures with the link below (bro):

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