A Prisoner’s Tale

The guard did growleth as he pushed us out,
Catnip stanking up each breath.
“Your turn has come at last,” he mewed,
His eyes aglow with death.

In leaps and bounds, the course was run;
We gave it every ounce of heart.
So silently, the audience sat enrapt,
That thou couldst hear a kitten fart.

But when we came to that final jump
Promising freedom from my cell,
My companion, she did puncheth me,
And laughed loudly as I fell.

Falling, falling… I wonder now,
Won’t our imprisonment ever cease?!
Mayhaps someone will Spring my friends…
Mayhaps they near Release!

Selecting BattleBlock Theater Beta Testers


We’ve started selecting the beta testers for the BattleBlock Theater Closed Beta! Selected registrants will be notified via e-mail in wavesBIG, crashing wavesand not all at once so don’t fret if you haven’t received anything yet! It will take some time to go through all the applications and it’s better to start early. If you haven’t filled out a registration form already, you can still submit one HERE. Don’t forget to read all the documents and pre-requisites you need to fulfill.

BBT_ClosedBetaContest250If you’re super stoked and can’t wait to see if you’ll be chosen, you still have a few more chances to get a guaranteed spot through our official contests held by various websites. This week IGN will be holding a contest on Thursday, February 14th. And for those who speak Italian, The Nerd Magazine is doing a special “Easter Egg Hunt” type of contest all week long. Just remember that even if you win any of these contests you will still need to adhere to the Terms & Conditions, NDA and fill out the beta registration form.

Last but not least, we have an important part of the beta registration process you’ll need to check on.

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