BBT Steam Registrations Close Friday


This Friday morning, March 21st, we’ll be closing off the registration form for our BattleBlock Theater Steam Closed Beta. We will start reviewing the applicants this week and start sending out acceptance emails so please keep your eye on your inboxes for that golden ticket. You know it’ll be pretty sweet! (Haha, see what we did there?) And for those who still need a bit of persuasion before signing up for the beta, check out our announcement trailer below:



Our tentative start date for Closed Beta of our Windows version of BattleBlock Theater Steam will be next week. A Closed Beta means you’ll need to register to get a beta key, but anyone 13-years-old and up are welcome to sign up!
Read all the rules and sign up here before it’s too late.



For those of you who are curious about other versions of BattleBlock Theater, we’re happy to announce that we are currently working on the Linux version of the game as well, but it will not be ready in time for the beta. The only confirmed version for Steam at this time is for Windows, and once the first PC version is out, we will focus our attention on the Linux version. Until then, don’t get too excited staring at the pot and waiting for the water to boil.


Day 2 of BitSummit

Our second day at BitSummit, and first public day, at BitSummit was a success! Over a thousand people attended the show and walked through the aisles of indie developers. For the public days, the room is double the size of business day as you can see in the picture below.


Here is the exhibit hall before the general attendees came in.
Here is the exhibit hall before the general attendees came in.


After our team got the groove of the show, we took turns walking around the show floor to check out some of the games at other booths.






The Kyoto mascot, Mayumaro, gave us another visit and this time we had a bow off between John and Mayumaro to see who could go down the lowest. We got out-bowed.




To see more photos from Day 2 of BitSummit 2014, click HERE. Looking forward to the last day of BitSummit 2014 later today!