Super Soviet Missile Mastar targets your iPhone/iPad

Greetings comrades,

In our very first foray into iOS development, we are bringing Super Soviet Missle Mastar into the palms of your hands.  The much beloved and not at all offensive mini game from Alien Hominid HD will let you pilot your missile into the capitalist pigs*, dodging the usual helicopters, planes, and pesky birds. Assuming Apple doesn’t employ anti-air measures during the approval process, we expect to launch this into the universe sometime in the next month, for FREE! SSMM will push your iPhone to the edge of its capabilities with state-of-the art 8-bit graphics! Remember, in Soviet Russia game plays you.

*Any resemblance to any actual capitalist pigs living or dead is purely coincidental.

Tokyo Anime Fair: Day 2

皆さんこんにちは! 与儀須美で~す。

Hi guys!  This is Sumi, translator for The Behemoth reporting in on behalf of Team Tokyo!  We saw Team Boston’s post with all their pictures, and couldn’t resist making a post of our own, so I’m here to stealth post while everyone’s still hard at work here at Tokyo Anime Fair!

A picture from our booth taken about an hour ago.
A picture from our booth taken about an hour ago.

It is the final day of Tokyo Anime Fair (whew, what a weekend!) but events are still in full swing even with only a couple of hours remaining.  Hit the jump for more information, tons of pictures, and Tokyo GREATNESS.

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