Have you ever had one of those days? Where all the little things just don’t go right? Like how sometimes, you wake up and you’re shipwrecked on an island overrun with cats. Or you wake up to check your crops, and your blueberry farm is at the mercy of a Bear Blood storm. Or you wake up, and your gem sword is now a broccoli stalk.
Sometimes you wake up and find that your Mothership has left without you on board because you slept through your twenty-eight Alarm Digestors and missed the demo that was available during Steam’s Next Fest back in June.
We woke up the other day, and while the bear blood had ceased raining on the giant chicken egg that surrounds our office, we had a great day; we found out that all of you made Alien Hominid Invasion the 30th most played demo during Steam’s Next Fest: June 2023 Edition! While we took a moment to bask in the glory and raise a sandwich in toast to not waking up with Furbottom’s hat on our heads, we realized that there are literally dozens of you Alien Hominid Invasion fans out there and maybe– just maybe–not all of you had the chance to play the demo during its Next Fest fame, so-
Surprise! It’s Chickmas in July, and The Behemoth has decided everyone made the “Not Jerkimedes” list and we are RE-RELEASING THE DEMO for a limited time! Thank you for being the reason We Make Games, and for all the wonderful feedback already received from players during the initial Next Fest period. Please enjoy the demo with our sincerest gratitude and appreciation for playing the things we put out in the universe, because we couldn’t do it without you. You, specifically, reading this. Yes, you.
Be sure to wishlist and follow Alien Hominid Invasion on Steam (SMASH THAT LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE BUTTON AND HIT THE BELL) so you’re ready to answer your Mothership when the time comes. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the demo, or would like to send us feedback on it outside of the in-game survey, we have answers for you in our Official Discord Server!
Phasers have been set to FUN as we prepare for the full invasion, and I refuse to apologize for that pun.

The demo is live now. Please stop reading this and go re-download it.