We’ve had quite the ending to our 2023 here at The Behemoth!
We returned to tradeshows, we launched two separate games across three different platforms, we held true to a years old April Fool’s Day post of making Castle Crashers Remastered Nintendo Switch Physical a REAL THING (restock coming early next year!), we gave our boy Blacksmith the plushie he deserved…we’ve been busy chickens.
As mentioned in our previous blog post, we recently pushed an update to Alien Hominid Invasion which added a bunch of new achievements, a new map algorithm, some balancing, along with a hotfix for Alien Hominid HD! Part Two of this update will land in early 2024.
And from now until January 4th at 10AM PST, enjoy some savings on our games and spread the holiday cheer in the Steam Winter Sale! And as an extra holiday thank you from our team, catch our new releases Alien Hominid Invasion and Alien Hominid HD during their first discount ever!

Thank you for reading this with your human eyes in a voice you can’t quite place, and for being the reason We Make Games for the past twenty years. We couldn’t have made it this far without you, and we certainly wouldn’t want to!
See you for the next trip around the sun,

The Behemoth