Castle Crashers Sketches

Trolls want tolls


Throwback Thursday! Our second game title, Castle Crashers, first came out for Xbox 360 in 2008 and then it made its way to PlayStation 3, and finally Steam. Since 2008 Castle Crashers has been the largest, most successful game we’ve ever created. We are proud to announce that just recently Castle Crashers has been downloaded over 5 million times across all platforms!


In celebration of this 5 million milestone, we are going back to 2005 when we started working on Castle Crashers.


Back in 2005, Dan Paladin, our art director, started sketching up ideas for our 2D multiplayer adventure. Our previous BattleBlock Theater sketch blog post was well received, so we thought it’d be fun to show off some of the original creations for Castle Crashers.


We hope you enjoy the sketches below. Some of these ideas got slightly altered before the game finished development, and some of them didn’t make it to the final version! Can you point out which ones made it in?


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BattleBlock Theater Sketches

From the mind and sketchbook of Dan Paladin, our Art Director, comes the original sketches of BattleBlock Theater. I scanned these pages a while ago, posted one teaser photo before, and then forgot about them until the other day. It’s like fate since we just released BattleBlock Theater for Steam this month!


Below are just a few of the sketches for the concept of the game before the programming even started. Some of the ideas didn’t work in the end–but can you spot the ideas that are in game?


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