Day 2 of BitSummit

Our second day at BitSummit, and first public day, at BitSummit was a success! Over a thousand people attended the show and walked through the aisles of indie developers. For the public days, the room is double the size of business day as you can see in the picture below.


Here is the exhibit hall before the general attendees came in.
Here is the exhibit hall before the general attendees came in.


After our team got the groove of the show, we took turns walking around the show floor to check out some of the games at other booths.






The Kyoto mascot, Mayumaro, gave us another visit and this time we had a bow off between John and Mayumaro to see who could go down the lowest. We got out-bowed.




To see more photos from Day 2 of BitSummit 2014, click HERE. Looking forward to the last day of BitSummit 2014 later today!


Day 1 of BitSummit

The opening ceremony of BitSummit 2014.
The opening ceremony of BitSummit 2014.


We got up early this morning to finish our set up before doors opened at 10AM for the media. The main items to work on were the game demos and organizing our merchandise. Luckily, we had some help from our super helpers: Hiroko, Deven, Atsushi and Yuko!


Hiroko and Yuko putting together knights for display.


Around 11:30AM our producer, John Baez, took the stage to speak about our attitude and approach towards working in the game industry. It was streamed live, but we have a recording of it as well. But you’ll have to wait until the show ends for our recap video to see it!


The slide in Japanese is welcoming us to BitSummit.


In the afternoon, we started selling our Castle Crashers knights, Castle Crashers mobile straps and Behemoth keychains (including the Knight design from Castle Crashers, Hatty from BattleBlock Theater, and Alien Hominid). We will be selling tomorrow and Sunday as well–while supplies last!




BitSummit organizers ended the day with a cocktail party to allow developers to mix and mingle with their peers. Yes, there was lots of Japanese food and cocktails to go along with the music and partying!

Check out all our photos from Day 1 of BitSummit 2014 HERE.